Prohibited and Restricted Items Policy

Prohibited and Restricted Items Policy

At, we are committed to creating a safe, fair, and compliant marketplace for all our users. To maintain the integrity of our platform, we have established the following Prohibited and Restricted Items Policy. All sellers and buyers must adhere to these guidelines to ensure a positive experience for everyone.

1. Prohibited Items

The following items are strictly prohibited from being listed, sold, or purchased on

  • Illegal Goods: Any item that is illegal to sell under applicable laws, including but not limited to narcotics, controlled substances, illegal drugs, and drug paraphernalia.
  • Hazardous Materials: Explosives, flammable substances, radioactive materials, and other dangerous goods that pose a risk to health, safety, or the environment.
  • Counterfeit Products: Items that infringe on intellectual property rights, including counterfeit or pirated goods, fake autographs, and unauthorized replicas of brand-name products.
  • Stolen Property: Items that are reported as stolen or that have been obtained through illegal means.
  • Weapons: Firearms, ammunition, explosives, and related accessories, as well as items that are considered weapons under applicable law, including switchblades and brass knuckles.
  • Adult Content: Pornographic material, obscene content, or items that depict or promote explicit sexual activity.
  • Hate Speech and Discriminatory Items: Products that promote or glorify hatred, violence, racism, or discrimination against individuals or groups based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or other characteristics.
  • Human Remains and Body Parts: Human body parts, organs, and remains, including products derived from human tissues or fluids.
  • Endangered Species: Items made from or including parts of endangered or protected animals, including ivory, fur, and certain types of leather.
  • Prescription Drugs and Medical Devices: Prescription medications, medical devices, and health supplements that are not approved by relevant authorities or require a prescription for purchase.
  • Alcohol and Tobacco: Alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, e-cigarettes, and related paraphernalia.

 2. Restricted Items

Certain items are allowed to be sold on but are subject to restrictions. Sellers must comply with the following guidelines:

  • Age-Restricted Products: Items such as alcohol, tobacco, and adult content may only be sold to buyers who are legally permitted to purchase them. Sellers must implement age verification measures where required by law.
  • Regulated Products: Products such as pharmaceuticals, over-the-counter medications, and dietary supplements must comply with all relevant regulations, including labeling, packaging, and advertising requirements.
  • Cultural and Religious Artifacts: Items of cultural or religious significance must be obtained and sold in compliance with applicable laws, including export and import restrictions.
  • Used Goods: Used or refurbished items must be clearly labelled as such, and their condition must be accurately described. Sellers must not misrepresent the quality or origin of these products.

3. Enforcement and Penalties reserves the right to take action against any seller or buyer who violates this policy. Actions may include:

  • Listing Removal: We may remove any listings that violate this policy without prior notice.
  • Account Suspension: Sellers who repeatedly violate this policy may have their accounts suspended or terminated.
  • Legal Action: In cases of serious violations, we may report the matter to the appropriate legal authorities and pursue legal action.

4. Reporting Violations

If you come across a listing that you believe violates this policy, please report it to us immediately. Our team will investigate and take appropriate action.

5. Policy Updates

This policy may be updated from time to time to reflect changes in laws, regulations, or our platform’s guidelines. We encourage all users to review this policy regularly to stay informed of any updates.

By using, you agree to comply with this Prohibited and Restricted Items Policy. Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in penalties, including but not limited to account suspension or legal action.

Consequences of Policy Violations

At, we take the enforcement of our policies seriously to ensure a safe and trustworthy marketplace for all users. If you violate our Prohibited and Restricted Items Policy, the following consequences may apply:

1. Listing Removal

  • Immediate Removal: Any listing found to be in violation of our Prohibited and Restricted Items Policy will be removed from the platform immediately. This action may be taken without prior notice to the seller.
  • Notification: Sellers will be notified of the removal via email or platform message, detailing the reason for the removal and the specific policy that was violated.

2. Account Warnings

  • First Violation: For a first-time violation, the seller may receive a warning. This warning will include guidance on how to comply with our policies in the future.
  • Subsequent Violations: Repeated violations will result in additional warnings, which may escalate to more severe consequences if the seller continues to violate the policy.

3. Temporary Account Suspension

  • Repeated or Serious Violations: Accounts that repeatedly violate our policies or engage in serious breaches (such as selling illegal goods or counterfeit products) may be temporarily suspended. During the suspension, the seller will be unable to access their account, list new items, or process transactions.
  • Reinstatement Conditions: To reinstate a suspended account, the seller may be required to provide evidence of corrective actions taken to ensure future compliance with our policies.

4. Permanent Account Termination

  • Severe or Continuous Violations: Accounts that demonstrate a pattern of continuous or severe violations may be permanently terminated. This action is taken to protect the integrity of the marketplace and the safety of its users.
  • Loss of Access: Permanent termination results in the loss of access to the account, and any remaining funds may be withheld pending resolution of any outstanding issues.

5. Financial Penalties

  • Fees and Fines: In some cases, may impose financial penalties or fines for policy violations. These penalties will be deducted from the seller’s account balance or charged to the payment method on file.
  • Recovery of Damages: If the violation results in financial or reputational damage to the platform, may seek compensation from the responsible party.

6. Legal Action

  • Reporting to Authorities: For violations involving illegal activities, such as the sale of counterfeit goods or prohibited items, may report the matter to law enforcement or other relevant authorities.
  • Litigation: reserves the right to pursue legal action against sellers or buyers who engage in activities that harm the platform or its users.

7. Impact on Buyer Accounts

  • Account Suspension: Buyers who knowingly purchase prohibited items or engage in fraudulent activities may also face account suspension or termination.
  • Loss of Privileges: Suspended buyers may lose access to certain marketplace features, including the ability to make purchases, leave reviews, or communicate with sellers.

8. Appeal Process

  • Right to Appeal: Sellers and buyers have the right to appeal any action taken against their account. Appeals must be submitted in writing within 14 days of the action being taken, providing any relevant evidence or documentation.
  • Review and Decision: Appeals will be reviewed by the compliance team, and a final decision will be communicated within 30 days. The decision of the compliance team is final.

By participating in the www.trendzexhibitions.commarketplace, you agree to adhere to this policy and understand that violations may result in the consequences outlined above. We encourage all users to familiarize themselves with our guidelines to avoid any disruptions to their account.

Appeal Process for Policy Violations

If you believe that an action taken against your account was in error or that there are extenuating circumstances that should be considered, you have the right to appeal. Please follow the steps below to submit an appeal:

1. Prepare Your Appeal

  • Review the Violation Notice: Carefully review the notification you received regarding the policy violation. Ensure you understand the specific reason for the action taken against your account.
  • Gather Evidence: Collect any relevant evidence that supports your appeal. This may include documents, emails, receipts, or any other information that demonstrates compliance with our policies or clarifies the situation.

2. Submit Your Appeal

  • Contact Support: To initiate an appeal, send an email to our support team at [].
  • Subject Line: In the subject line of your email, include "Appeal Request - [Your Account Username]".
  • Detailed Explanation: In the body of your email, provide a clear and concise explanation of why you believe the action taken was incorrect or unjust. Include any evidence you've gathered to support your case.
  • Action Requested: Specify what outcome you are seeking, whether it is the reinstatement of a removed listing, the lifting of a suspension, or any other resolution.

3. Await Review

  • Review Period: Once your appeal is submitted, our compliance team will review your case. This process typically takes up to 30 days, depending on the complexity of the issue and the evidence provided.
  • Additional Information: If the compliance team requires additional information to make a decision, they will contact you via email. Please respond promptly to any requests to avoid delays in the review process.

4. Receive a Decision

  • Final Decision: After reviewing your appeal, the compliance team will issue a final decision. This decision will be communicated to you via email and will include a detailed explanation of the outcome.
  • No Further Appeals: The decision made by the compliance team is final and binding. No further appeals will be accepted once a final decision has been made.

5. Follow-Up Actions

  • If Appeal is Successful: If your appeal is successful, the action taken against your account will be reversed or modified. For example, a removed listing may be reinstated, or a suspended account may be reactivated.
  • If Appeal is Denied: If your appeal is denied, the original action will remain in place. We recommend reviewing our policies to ensure future compliance and avoid further violations.

6. Contact for Assistance

  • Customer Support: If you need assistance with the appeal process or have questions about the status of your appeal, you can contact our customer support team at [].

We understand that mistakes can happen, and we are committed to ensuring a fair and transparent appeals process. We encourage all users to appeal promptly and provide all necessary information to facilitate a swift resolution.

What to Do If Your Appeal Fails

If your appeal is denied and the original action taken against your account remains in place, it is important to understand your options and next steps. Here’s what you can do if your appeal fails:

1. Understand the Decision

  • Review the Explanation: Carefully read the final decision email from the compliance team. It will include the reasons for denying your appeal and any relevant details about why the original action was upheld.
  • Identify Mistakes: Consider whether there might have been any misunderstandings or if additional information could have changed the outcome.

2. Comply with the Decision

  • Accept the Consequences: If the appeal fails, you must accept the consequences of the violation, whether that includes a removed listing, account suspension, or other penalties.
  • Adjust Your Listings: Review your remaining listings to ensure they comply with all marketplace policies. Consider making adjustments to avoid further issues.

3. Prevent Future Violations

  • Review Policies: Familiarize yourself with the Prohibited and Restricted Items Policy, as well as any other relevant policies on Understanding these rules can help prevent future violations.
  • Enhance Compliance Practices: Implement stronger internal checks and quality controls to ensure that all items you list adhere to marketplace policies.

4. Explore Alternative Actions

  • Modify and Relist: If a listing was removed, consider modifying the item or description to bring it into compliance with platform policies and then relisting it.
  • New Account Strategy: If your account was permanently terminated, you may consider creating a new account, but be sure to strictly follow all policies to avoid immediate penalties. Note that some platforms may prohibit users from creating new accounts after termination, so verify the rules before proceeding.

5. Seek Support and Advice

  • Customer Support: If you still have questions or need clarification after your appeal is denied, reach out to customer support for additional guidance. They may be able to provide advice on how to better comply with policies in the future.
  • Legal Consultation: In rare cases where you believe the decision was unfair and the consequences are severe, you might consider seeking legal advice. This is particularly relevant if you believe there was a breach of your rights as a seller or buyer.

6. Learn and Move Forward

  • Reflect and Improve: Use the experience as a learning opportunity to improve your understanding of marketplace rules and to enhance your business practices.
  • Continue Selling: If your account remains active, focus on complying with the rules and growing your business within the marketplace’s guidelines.

By taking these steps, you can better manage the situation and work towards a positive outcome, even if your appeal was not successful.

Additional Policy Details for

To ensure a comprehensive understanding of our marketplace guidelines, below are more detailed aspects of our Prohibited and Restricted Items Policy and related enforcement measures.

1. Types of Policy Violations

  • Minor Violations: These include unintentional errors such as incorrect listing descriptions, minor misrepresentations, or accidental inclusion of restricted keywords. These violations typically result in warnings or listing removals.
  • Major Violations: These involve significant breaches such as the sale of prohibited items, counterfeit goods, or repeated non-compliance with marketplace policies. Major violations can lead to account suspensions, permanent bans, or legal action.
  • Severe Violations: Activities that threaten the safety of users, involve illegal goods, or cause substantial harm to the marketplace. These violations are met with immediate and severe consequences, including reporting to legal authorities.

2. Graduated Enforcement Approach

  • First-Time Offenders: Sellers or buyers who commit their first violation generally receive a warning and educational materials to help prevent future issues. Listings may be removed, but the account typically remains active.
  • Repeat Offenders: Multiple violations lead to escalating consequences, including temporary suspensions or financial penalties. Each subsequent violation is treated more seriously.
  • Final Warning: Before permanent account termination, a final warning may be issued, clearly stating that any further violations will result in termination.

3. Specific Prohibited Items Clarification

  • Intellectual Property Violations: Any item that infringes on copyrights, trademarks, patents, or other intellectual property rights is prohibited. This includes items with unauthorized use of logos, brand names, or copyrighted images.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Items that may offend or disrespect cultural, religious, or national symbols are prohibited. This includes items that misuse sacred objects or symbols.
  • Medical and Health Products: Sellers of allowed health products must ensure compliance with all regulations, including FDA approval where applicable. Any claims made in listings must be substantiated and not misleading.

4. Restricted Items Management

  • Age Verification Requirements: Sellers of age-restricted items, such as alcohol or adult content, must implement robust age verification processes. Failure to verify buyer age can result in listing removal and penalties.
  • Condition and Authenticity: All items, especially collectibles, used goods, and antiques, must be accurately described. Misrepresenting an item’s condition, origin, or authenticity is a violation.
  • Permits and Licensing: For items that require specific permits or licenses to sell, sellers must ensure they possess the necessary documentation. Listings should include information about these permits to assure buyers of compliance.

5. Financial Penalties

  • Violation Fees: In some cases, monetary fines may be levied against sellers for violations, particularly if the violation causes harm to the platform’s reputation or incurs costs for investigation and enforcement.
  • Revenue Withholding: Funds from sales may be withheld to cover fines or damages resulting from policy violations. This can also apply to sales made during periods of non-compliance.

6. Third-Party Involvement

  • Law Enforcement Collaboration: may cooperate with law enforcement or regulatory bodies to investigate serious violations, especially those involving illegal goods or activities.
  • Dispute Resolution Services: For cases involving potential misunderstandings or disputes over policy violations, third-party mediation services may be offered to facilitate a resolution between the marketplace and the user.

7. Communication of Policy Changes

  • Policy Updates: The Prohibited and Restricted Items Policy may be updated periodically. All users will be notified of significant changes through email notifications and announcements on the platform.
  • User Responsibilities: It is the responsibility of all users to stay informed about the latest policy updates. Continued use of the marketplace constitutes acceptance of the updated policies.

8. Resources and Support

  • Educational Materials: provides resources such as tutorials, FAQs, and webinars to help users understand and comply with marketplace policies.
  • Support Channels: Users can reach out to customer support for clarification on policies or assistance with compliance. The support team is available via email, chat, or phone during business hours.

By understanding and adhering to these additional policy details, sellers and buyers on can contribute to a safe, fair, and successful marketplace environment.

Account Reactivation Process

If your account on has been deactivated or suspended, you may be eligible for reactivation depending on the nature and duration of the suspension. Here’s a detailed guide on how to navigate the account reactivation process:

1. Understand the Reason for Deactivation

  • Review Suspension Notice: Carefully read the notice or email sent to you regarding the suspension or deactivation of your account. It will detail the reasons for the action taken, such as policy violations or unresolved issues.
  • Identify Issues: Determine the specific issues or violations that led to the suspension. Understanding these factors is crucial for addressing them effectively.

2. Correct the Issues

  • Resolve Violations: If the suspension was due to policy violations, take corrective actions to address these issues. This may include:
    • Updating Listings: Remove or modify any listings that were found to be in violation.
    • Improving Compliance: Implement changes to ensure all future listings comply with marketplace policies.
  • Submit Required Documentation: If requested, provide any necessary documentation or evidence that proves you have addressed the issues. This could include permits, licenses, or proof of corrective measures.

3. Submit a Reactivation Request

  • Contact Support: Reach out to the customer support team to request reactivation of your account. You can do this via:
    • Email: Send an email to [] with the subject line "Reactivation Request - [Your Account Username]”.
    • Contact Form: Use the contact form on our website to submit your request.
  • Include Key Information: In your request, provide:
    • Account Information: Your account username, email address, and any relevant account details.
    • Explanation: A brief explanation of why you believe your account should be reactivated. Include any steps you have taken to resolve the issues that led to the suspension.
    • Evidence of Compliance: Attach any supporting documents or evidence showing that you have addressed the problems.

4. Await Review

  • Review Period: The support team will review your reactivation request. This process typically takes up to 15 business days, depending on the complexity of the issue and the completeness of your submission.
  • Additional Information: If additional information is needed, you will be contacted by the support team. Provide the requested details as promptly as possible to avoid delays.

5. Receive a Decision

  • Reactivation Approval: If your request is approved, you will receive a notification confirming that your account has been reactivated. You will be able to log in and resume using the platform.
  • Reactivation Denial: If your request is denied, you will receive a detailed explanation of the reasons for the denial and any further steps you might need to take, if applicable.

6. Follow-Up Actions

  • Review Account Status: After reactivation, carefully review your account status and any outstanding issues. Ensure all listings are compliant with marketplace policies.
  • Ongoing Compliance: Continue to follow all platform guidelines and policies to maintain your account in good standing. Regularly check for updates to policies and best practices.

7. Appeal Process for Denied Reactivation

  • Submit an Appeal: If your reactivation request is denied, you may appeal the decision. Follow the same appeal process outlined in our Prohibited and Restricted Items Policy.
  • Provide New Evidence: If applicable, include any new evidence or explanations that address the reasons for the reactivation denial.

8. Contact for Assistance

  • Customer Support: For any questions or additional assistance during the reactivation process, contact our customer support team at [].

By carefully following these steps, you can effectively navigate the account reactivation process and work towards resolving any issues that led to the suspension or deactivation of your account.

The reactivation process for an account on can vary based on several factors. Here’s a general timeline and what you can expect:

General Timeline for Account Reactivation

1. Initial Review

  • Timeframe: Typically, the initial review of your reactivation request takes up to 15 business days.
  • Details: During this period, the support team will review your request, the actions you’ve taken to resolve the issues, and any supporting documentation provided.

2. Additional Information Requests

  • Timeframe: If additional information is required, you will be contacted within a few business days after the initial review.
  • Details: Providing the requested information promptly can help expedite the process. Delays in providing additional details can extend the review period.

3. Decision Notification

  • Timeframe: Once the review is complete, you will receive a decision within a few business days.
  • Details: The decision will be communicated via email or through the platform’s notification system. If your reactivation request is approved, you’ll receive instructions for accessing your account. If denied, the notification will include the reasons and any further steps you might need to take.

4. Reactivation or Further Action

  • Reactivation: If approved, your account will typically be reactivated immediately after you receive confirmation. You should be able to log in and resume using the platform.
  • Further Action: If the reactivation request is denied, follow the instructions provided in the notification. You may need to address additional concerns or submit a new appeal.

Factors Affecting Timeline

  1. Complexity of the Issue: The nature of the suspension or deactivation can impact the review time. More complex issues may require additional investigation.
  2. Volume of Requests: During high-volume periods, such as after policy updates or platform changes, response times may be longer.
  3. Completeness of Submission: Providing complete and accurate information in your reactivation request can help speed up the review process.

Tips for Expediting Reactivation

  • Provide Complete Information: Ensure that your initial reactivation request includes all necessary details and documentation to avoid delays.
  • Respond Promptly: If contacted for additional information, respond as quickly as possible.
  • Follow Up: If you haven’t received a response within the expected timeframe, follow up with customer support to check on the status of your request.

By understanding these time frames and factors, you can better manage your expectations and take steps to facilitate a smoother reactivation process for your account.

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