Platform Fee Policy

Platform Fee Policy

Effective Date: 30th Aug 2024

Welcome to Trendz Exhibitions, your trusted multi-vendor marketplace. We aim to provide a seamless and efficient platform for vendors and buyers alike. To ensure the continued improvement and maintenance of our services, we have implemented a platform fee policy.

Platform Fee

  • Fee Amount: The platform fee is set at ₹10/- plus 18% GST per invoice.
  • Application: This fee is applicable to each invoice generated through the Trendz Exhibitions marketplace. The fee will be automatically calculated and included in the invoice total.
  • Purpose: The platform fee contributes to the operational costs of maintaining and enhancing our marketplace, including system updates, customer support, and transaction security.

Payment and Invoicing

  • Invoice Generation: The platform fee will be clearly itemized on each invoice issued to buyers.
  • Billing Cycle: Fees will be billed on a per-invoice basis and are payable in line with policies outlined on

Transparency and Updates

  • Policy Changes: Trendz Exhibitions reserves the right to modify the platform fee or the policy at any point in time. Changes will be communicated through the updated policy document available on the platform.
  • Feedback: We value buyer feedback and are committed to transparent communication regarding any policy updates.

Billing Errors

  • Error Notification: If a buyer believes there has been an error in billing, such as an incorrect platform fee or an inaccurate invoice total, they should notify Trendz Exhibitions as soon as possible.
  • Notification Period: Buyers must report any billing errors within 07 days from the invoice date.
  • Submission Process: Error notifications should be sent to and include the invoice number, details of the error, and any supporting documentation.
  • Resolution: Trendz Exhibitions will review the reported error and provide a resolution within 07 business days. If a billing error is confirmed, we will issue a correction to the invoice and adjust the platform fee as necessary.
  • Correction Method: Any adjustments or corrections will be reflected in a revised invoice or credited back to the buyer’s wallet or account, as applicable.


  • Refund Eligibility: Platform fees are non-refundable except in exceptional circumstances where a transaction is cancelled or reversed by Trendz Exhibitions. Refunds may be considered in cases where an error in billing or an issue directly attributable to our platform occurred. There will be no refund for customer initiated return / refund.
  • Request Process: Buyers must submit a refund request within 07 days of the transaction date. Requests should be sent to and include relevant details, such as the invoice number and reason for the refund.
  • Review and Resolution: Each refund request will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Trendz Exhibitions will aim to process eligible refunds promptly, typically within 07 business days.
  • Refund Method: Approved refunds will be credited back to the original payment method or as per the resolution agreed upon with the buyer.

Policy Enforcement

  • Compliance: All buyers are required to comply with this platform fee policy. By using Trendz Exhibitions, buyers agree to adhere to the terms outlined herein.
  • Monitoring: Trendz Exhibitions will monitor compliance with the platform fee policy and address any deviations promptly.
  • Dispute Resolution: Any disputes or issues regarding the enforcement of this policy should be directed to Trendz Exhibitions will work to resolve disputes in a fair and timely manner.
  • Continuous Improvement: Trendz Exhibitions is committed to continuously improving our policies and enforcement processes. Feedback is encouraged and will be considered in the review and update of policy enforcement procedures.

Buyer Guidelines

  • Access Guidelines and Adherence: Buyers are requested to read all our policies for a comprehensive understanding before accessing

Contact Us

For any queries or further information about our platform fee policy, please contact us at

Thank you for your cooperation and for being a part of Trendz Exhibitions.


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